Lights, camera, action!
Why video should be an essential ingredient in marketing your children’s activity business.
• VIDEO is a powerful relationship building tool.
• How else could you really engage when you’re not there?
• What’s the best way to show someone what you’re like and how passionate you are?
• How else could you build relationships en masse from afar?
• It’s the closest thing to actually being there, and it’s available to you right now to use.
Video should be part of your integrated marketing strategy, which I’ll be covering in my up-and-coming courses and there are so many ways you can add video into your daily marketing from creating videos for You Tube, from doing a live in Facebook to creating a reel in Instagram.
My tip is to pick one platform to get started. In my businesses this was Facebook. Every week without fail I would go live to my audience.
Do a video today, introduce yourself to your audience. Don’t worry if you feel awkward the more you do the easier it gets. Tag me into your video as I would love to see it.
You can catch me on my “Small But Feisty Friday LIVE”, over on Facebook every week at 1pm, see you over there.
Sometimes a short sharp blast of inspiration is what you need to help you regain your focus and get you back on track and back on target. At other times you may feel the need for something longer term, shoulder to lean on when the going gets tough.
Through to regular business mentoring you can have me one to one for as long as you need me to be there.
It’s difficult to find a network that has you and your business interests at heart, when trying to build your own brand, especially in such a competitive market place.
Work with me through my Children’s Activity Business Club. This is a fantastic way to come and work with me through my membership. Learn more about the club today by clicking the link below.
Learn without limits with my Digital Courses, aimed at entrepreneurs in their early stages of business development.
Download the courses that meet your needs and if you’re one of my Business Club members, send me your questions and we’ll cover them together in our monthly Q & A.